1. 学務・国際戦略部学生支援課トップ
  2. 奨学金・授業料/入学料免除
  3. 留学生授業料免除(2020年4月以降入学者) Tuition waiver for international students (entering in or after April 2020)

横浜国立大学私費外国人留学生授業料免除(2020年4月以降入学者対象)YNU tuition waiver program for privately financed international students (for those entering / entered in or after April 2020)

This program will award privately financed international students who have excellent academic records a full, half, or 30% waiver of their tuition fees (full or half waiver for doctoral programs) after they pass the application screening. If you wish to apply for the program, follow the instructions in the application guidelines to lodge an application and other necessary documents within the designated period.


Note: Applications for tuition waivers for students enrolling in October of the academic year 2020-2021 were made when applying for admission, and prospective recipients and the tentative exemption for the two semesters after their admission have already been determined based on the entrance examination results. Therefore, new applications for exemption from tuition fees are no longer being accepted. Only those who were selected as prospective recipients are requested to submit the application and other necessary documents within the designated period. (If failed to complete, you will be deemed to have forfeited your place in the tuition waiver program and your tuition fees will not be waived.)

You can apply for scholarships, whether you are awarded tuition waivers or not. To qualify for a university-recommended scholarship provided by one of the scholarship foundations, you need to register your basic data for internal screening in advance. If you wish to apply for such a scholarship, please follow the instructions in the application guidelines to lodge an application and other necessary documents within the designated period.

Application procedure for the spring semester 2022-2023 (including the application for data registration for university-recommended scholarships)

在留資格「留学」を取得見込み又は更新手続き中で申請を行う者は、申請受付期限の2022年4月4日(月)までに申請手続きを行った上で、在留資格「留学」を取得後、2022年5月31日(火)までに「在留カードの写し」を「横浜国立大学 在留カード提出フォーム」から提出してください。期日までに再提出がない場合は、授業料免除は「不許可」となり、大学推薦奨学金には登録されません。入国制限等により日本に渡日できず期限までに在留カードが取得できない場合は個別にご相談ください。

Students who are expected to obtain their "Student" status of residence or are in the process of renewing it are required to follow the application procedure by April 4, 2022. After they have obtained or renewed their "Student" status of residence, they are required to resubmit the Copy of Residence Card via YNU Residence Card Submission Form by May 31, 2022. If this document is not resubmitted by the deadline, their tuition waiver applications will be rejected, and their data will not be registered for university-recommended scholarships. Please consult individually if you cannot come to Japan and obtain the residence card by the deadline for entry restrictions and other unavoidable circumstances.

申請受付期限 Application deadlines

申請受付期限:2022年4月4日(月) 17:00
Deadline for Application:17:00 on Monday, April 4, 2022

Application guidelines

募集要項(日本語) / Application guidelines (English)

-Application guidelines are not distributed at the Student Center. Please download from the website. You can make application by online ONLY and you don't need to submit the necessary documents at the Student Center.

選考結果発表 Screening results

Announcement date: Friday, July 29, 2022 (tentative)

発表方法:学生情報システム (各自のIDとパスワードでログインしてください。)
Announcement method: Student Information System (log in to the system with your ID and password)

-Applicants will not be notified for the completion of data registration for university-recommended scholarships.

<For reference>Application procedure for the fall semester 2021-2022 (including the application for admission fee waiver/deferment and data registration for university-recommended scholarships)

申請受付期間 Application period

In-person: From Friday, August 27, 2021 until Monday, October 4, 2021

By online: From Friday, August 27, 2021 until Monday, October 4, 2021

- [Important] If you are applying for an admission fees waiver, you must also complete the application for a tuition waiver and registering your data to apply for university-recommended scholarships after the announcement of successful applicants to YNU and within the admission period (i.e. not during the period stated above).
-For details, please refer to the application guidelines.

Application guidelines and application forms


募集要項(日本語) / Application guidelines (English)

申請書類様式(日本語) / Application forms (English)

申請書類様式サンプル(日本語) / Application forms Samples(English)

-Application documents are not distributed at the Student Center. Please download the documents from the website.

選考結果発表 Screening results

Announcement date: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 (tentative)

発表方法:学生情報システム (各自のIDとパスワードでログインしてください。)
Announcement method: Student Information System (log in to the system with your ID and password)

-Applicants will not be notified for the completion of data registration for university-recommended scholarships.

連絡先 Contact

Tuition waiver for privately financed international students (for those entering/entered in or after April 2020)

学務・国際戦略部 グローバル推進課 留学生係 International Admissions Office
TEL : 045-339-3176 Email : iaoアットマークを記入して下さいynu.ac.jp

留学生奨学金担当 Scholarships for privately financed international students
学務・国際戦略部 グローバル推進課 留学生係 International Student Support Section
TEL : 045-339-3131 Email : kokusai.shienアットマークを記入して下さいynu.ac.jp
