- 学務・国際戦略部学生支援課トップ
- 学生寮(Dormitory)
- 横浜市国際学生会館(Yokohama International Student House)
横浜市国際学生会館(Yokohama International Student House)
横浜市国際学生会館 2025年度入居者を募集します
Application for April 2025 move-in at Yokohama City International Student House
Information on application for residence in Yokohama International Student House [Application due date at YNU: 17:00, Friday, January 10, 2025]
申請資格 Eligible Applicants
(*You will be required to attend a new residents' orientation held in February or March 2025, once you are accepted for residence. You will be placed on a waiting list if you are absent from the orientation.)
- You must be enrolled at YNU as of April 2025 and have the status of residence of "Student."
- Family members who can accompany you must be your spouse and child(ren) having the status of residence of "Dependent" or "Student."
<Students not eligible to apply> Auditing students and research students
書類配布場所 Distribution of documents
学生支援課学生支援係(学生センター2F) または当ウェブサイトからダウンロード(12/5~1/24のみダウンロード可能)
Documents can be obtained at the Student Support Section (YNU Student Center 2F) or downloaded from this website (between December 5, 2024 and January 24, 2025 only).
・募集要項.pdf (application guide(YISH).pdf)
・申込用紙.pdf (application forms(YISH).pdf)
提出期間 Application period
December 5, 2024(Thu) - January 10, 2025(Fri) closing at 17:00
*Except weekneds, holidays and winter break(12/27 - 1/5)
申請場所 Where to submit
YNU Student Support Section Office, Student Center 2F
*If you are currently enrolled at YNU, please make sure to submit your application to the Student Support Section (by Friday, January 10, 2025), and do not submit it directly to the Yokohama International Student House.
*If you fail to submit your application by the above due date, you can submit the application by yourself by January 29 at YISH.
<NOTE>Recommendation form is completed with an official stamp from YNU. Please ask your academic affairs section or for the official stamp and submit the set of application documents to YISH by January 29, 2025. If you ask Student Support Division for the official seal, be advised that it takes while to have it done. Should you have any quesiton, feel free to ask Student Support Division.
連絡先 Contact
学務・国際戦略部 学生支援課 学生支援係
Student Support Division Student Affairs and International Strategy Department
TEL : 045-339-3114/3134
(課外活動,遺失物・拾得物 for extracurricular activities and the lost-and-found)
(学生寮,チューター for dormitories and tutors)
FAX : 045-339-3119
窓口時間 Office hours
平日 Weekdays
- 8:30~12:45/13:45~17:00